Name: Brian Reach

Pronouns: HE/HIM/HIS

What have you done outside NOVA Pride that makes you a great fit for the board?  Well, I’ve been a pretty strong advocate for LGBTQ equality for my entire adult life.  I’ve stood up and spoken out.  I’ve marched, I’ve protested, and I’ve held people accountable.  I’ve had a hand in starting some LGBTQ events prior to starting this organization, and am involved with several others, including being on the board of VA Pride and LGBT Democrats of Virginia, chairing the first LGBTQA committee for Fairfax County Democrats, serving on the steering committee for the Inova Gay Mens Health Collaborative, and maintaining membership with just about ever other community organization I’ve found.

What excites you most about NOVA Pride?  I get excited whenever I talk to somebody – often times a young adult that grew up in the region – that really, really gets our mission, and why we exist, without even reading it on our webpage.  That sense of common purpose, optimism and energy really gets me fired up.

